Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Murphy's law

Since there was WoW's weekly maintenance today till at 11.00 by Paris time (what's now after turning clocks to summertime at 1PM by my time) I was just duing something useful like some schoolwork. Since I thought first that the maintendance will end at 12 by my time (thought that they turn clocks in Paris as well but seems that it is only our free fun of paly with time) I had whole hour to finish my work I was doing (ofc I didnt get it ready for 12) and I decided to get quick wahs as well. Well I do it more often thatn just today but for special care today came from the call I got. I was asked out to barbeque. Wohoo! Quick look out from the window (havent been out from home 5 days already - I have leave from work and the teachers from college are away at schoolings as well whole week)... yep.. meters and meters of snow are all gone. At least under my window.

So my washing.. Since my watersystem is broken i had to use a bowl and a can to pour water on my head. Ofc I wanna complain about it because I have a bath but I cant even use it. I really dream about lying in the hot bath in my own dirty water.... mmmm.... but ofc I dont complain because some ppl in Africa are happy when they have water to drink just :o

Well.. the can was occupied. I did hold there my keefir's pack and who dont know what is keefir it has missed something really delicous what you can make from milk. I did just took the opened plasticbag out from the can and set it on the cupboard to stand and wait may returnd.

My head was real cheese. But well.. we didnt have to get into little details of my washing details. I did was all my special parts and when I returned then guess what... ofc there Murphy's law had fullfilled:

If anything can go wrong, it will
Corollary: It can
Corollary: It should
MacGillicuddy's Corollary: At the most inopportune time
Extension: it will be all your fault, and everyone will know it.

The packet with delicous inside stuff was fallen over and now I just have to go to clean it all up to make sure that noone gets to know anything happened at all. But for that is another Murphy's law, I am sure...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ok. I am tired. Physically. Can't wait when the college year gets over and I really need leave from work. Well.. will get the leave in a week!!! =D

I have so many times meant to make a note here but... When I am sitting behind the screen my thoughts are gone. If I could just save them when I get them... ;] That would be then like Bioflunz' dreammachine already :P

Nvm. I am alive and doing okay and thats the most important :)