The invite told about the plans of the evening that we will watch a horror movie and then we will go to walk into craveyard. Hmm... should we count it as something romantic? :)
What more futher on that more the eart went whiter. There was some snow in Tartu as well but what more closer to Rakvere we realized that we were not seen the snow this year yet... The nature was just amazing. Although it all seemed black-white-grey it was so powerful emotion what it gave. The killing beauty. Cold and sparkling. The trees every branch was covered with white puffy cold flour like frame for black wood. And then suddenly was there black stripe on the white feeld and a bit later we saw lights and recpgnized a tractor behind the lights who was ploughing the feeld! We watched at eachother and bursted to laugh. That kind of interruption in that beauty was just totally funny. The poor guy didn't expect the snow so early and he was so late with his works. But well... better later than never.
We got on T-crossroad and of course, no signs. But we decided to ask from girls standing on the crossroad and they asked us to take on. They knew the direction where Rakvere stayed so that was cool. Wew took them with and let them out on the roundebound before Rakvere.
Finally Rakvere. We drove in and the road splitted. Jee... where now? We took the direction to the centrum. Oh dear how beautiful it all were. The snow, snow, snow... Everywhere! And really alot! I wanted to make pictures but it was already dark and my camera is not very good in circumstances like that. We decided to take pictures next day.
After we called to Madis again he directed us fine enough to his appartment. We parked the car and took some of our stuff. My new laptop and cake and our handbags. The sleeping stuff stayed into car this moment. We were there! The last ones who arrived but still there. Margo was with his life mate Anu. I were seen her picture before and now I saw her face to face. Why Margo was cheating her with others I just didn't understand... And then were Õnne there. The womean who I had hear so much from Madis. His older friend :) Oh and Madis himself of course. Mostly we were there because we wanted to give company to him during his hard time with his wife who just moved to live to her parents again and told to Madis she doesn't know what she feels for him. Well, at least we got to know a day ago that she still feels jealous for him :)
The next thing in our agenda was the walk in craveyard... or just walking around in Rakvere :) That was much better. Although I was ill and my wasn't smart enough in chosing my clothes I took part of it. Oh that was so amazing walk. Oh dear how much I missed to share it with someone very special! I really did... Good that Kadri was there. We coudl admire the snow on the branches and on the bushes and on the trees. We could gasp the beauty of the snowed parks and gardens inside us together. We could stand and stare the dark sky and the white brancehs reaching into them. It was so beautiful that it did hurt. I am so sorry i didn't made very much pictures because probably I wont see something so powerful long time again...