Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Caring Fatherhood: Margo

- Hallo.
- Hallo, Margo. I am free now and will sit on the troll no 6. I will come still into centrum of city?
- Oh who is calling to me! you are free, oh I see... well, come to Kristiine centrum.
- Margo! I do hate Tallinn. How the heaven sake I will get there?
- With no 6 troll.
- Oh, I see. See yuo there then. I have incomeing call. Bye for now!
- Bye!

15 minutes later.
- Hi Margo, I am infront of the centrum. Where are you?
- Hmm. Go insided and walk around. Will be there in 20 minutes.
- 20 minutes!
- Well.. I am in traffic. If it takes well I will be there in 10 minutes.
- Ah, alright. When I get lost in that mammut centrum I will blame you.

I saw trough window men sitting behind PCs. So I did decide to go and take a cup of coffee and an hour in internet. It did cost me 52 krones. 25 for internet hour and 27 for some strawberry drink (coffee didn't look very delicous there). I sat behind PC and checked my emails. I watched what the time is. It was 5.19 PM. An hour with Margo and then on the bus and about at 9 PM I will be home. THats good. Then I can make a Power Point show for conference for my college mates. An hour... that's too much I think. Margo will be here before I finish. I can't let him wait for PC. Ah anyway, I have no duty to sit here all that hour.

There was only 6 emails in my mailbox. And it was first time I checked it on this day.Booooring. Discussion over doulas schooling what will cost for students 500 krones. And haven sake, they are doulas!! How can a midwife take lessons from a doula???!!! Oh find some brains, girls. Midwives are not the navel of the world.

I am.


A note from library that I need to bring back some books. Then a bill from other College. Then a note from Kärt about youthevening... I havend showed so long up there. Sad. Or not. Well.. i dont feel sad :) But probably it would be nice of me AND good for me to show up in youthevening some week. I have to talk with Tom anyway.

But anyway. No important emails what needed quick action. But since I have here with some free time, then it could be good idea to put down my first emotion after the converence... Carin fatherhood. Intresting how is doing Derek's girls? Or how is he doing with them? Does he realize how much did it hurt and always will hurt them during their life that their parents did divorce? Nah, it is not my business. Nothing what is tied with him is none of my business anymore. I just ignore the thought. It's not proble for me long time already.

Why Margo is not calling? There have passed more than 20 minutes. Probably it is even good. I can finis my post for blog. I did took my cell phone out to see the time and.. oh dear! 5 missed calls :P I did forget switch the mute off again.

- Hi, Margo, I am really sorrrrrryyyy!
- It is already 3 times 20 minutes. Where are you?
- I am sitting in internet coffee. I ama really sorry!
- I have looked you from every where. Do not go anywhere!

I was finishing last sentense in my blog when he arrived. I did make a face of Shrek's cat with boots and said sorry again. I overfloted him with words how I did forget switch mute back on after conference and I am really happy he found me finally. He was just sitting there and smiling. Good sign. He was not angry. Has he ever been angry? Ah yes, I rememember. He was once on some client of his.

I posted blog and closed PC. I was ready.

He tooke me into his car and drove into forest. It took about half hour to get there

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