Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Caring Fatherhood: first emotions

I am out in Tallinn. Actually I am in. In Kristiine Centrum somewhere in Tallinn. On my laptop I have set my internet browser client so that when I open it, it will opens all my important pageses on this window as well. So when I will have time to blog I just need to find right window on the adressbar. I don't know the addres of my blog :) But my email post gets all my postings. And I can log on from there as well. So today I went to look for the blog site into my email box and ... I didn't realize that the amount of letters I get, is soooo big. Just amazing... And it is without spam!!! If I actually think back on how do I read my emails then I should realize it already ealier. Often I just check the topic and read over line. And I often have so much info that I never know anything actually. I get information from both colleges, from work, from church, from Estonian concil of midwives plus privat correspondence... Oh dear! I am busy bee ;)

But that wasn't what I wanted to say today. The thing I wanted to discribe was the converence I have been all day today. The Conference „Caring fatherhood"'s homepages discribes it shortly so:

"The central topic of our conference is what kind of fatherhood Estonian society should value. By including experience from abroad and reflecting the life in Estonia we will try to give meaning to different concepts of fatherhood - new father, caring father, absent father, good father.

We will discuss whether caring fatherhood could play a part in solving such problems as early mortality of men, low birth rate, high number of children in one-parent families, child poverty, the gender pay gap. Thus, we concentrate on what is caring fatherhood and why it is important to all of us.

The target groups are: policy makers, media, employers, women, men."

When I came here I even did't know why. I am a woman. My future job is based on women. I am single mother without any relationship. I have grew up in family without a father... And still I was going there. I was thinking it is my responsibility for my collegues in med colleges. I am older and wiser and know more so when they didn't show up intrest, I had to do that just. And also I did realize that behind my job, behind every labouring woman is a man as well. Mostly. And...

I am megasuperhypperhappy that I did came!!!! Whole converence was built up wery well alreay technically! We had votingpads (little plastig things with buttons) for gallups. We had hedsets and little transmitters for translations (there were speakers overboard as well). We had whiteboards for powerpoint shows. We had very well served coffee breaks and lunch time! And that was just technical side. Also there was really good speakers and topicks what talked about fathers roll - how it is and how it should be. Also about children needs and how women act. It was very informative and really good. The last sepeaker, Jesper Juul from Denmark (I hope it was Denmark) was really good speaker. He is an old man with good experiances and he was able tell hos point out with good homour. I could listen him again and again. He has a little conference tomorrow also here but it was only for family concelors.

After the conference I can see better men roll in society. Especially how important are they for family and also that... they have feelings too.

But now.. Margo have made me 5 missed calls already. I need to meet with him :P When I get home I need to make short powerpoint show about the conference for my college mates. Then I have more time to think about the conference..

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