Thursday, May 27, 2010

Big Fail

I am in clinic. At practice by college.
That means I had to prepear for the worse... I can't sleep!
I bought mp3 player and did download lots of music on it.
I bought also some apples and new lemonade (Alles klaar? - Ja-ja..) "Valge Klaar". Im the victim if the TV adds... I know, I know.
Took some blood, set up some TOCOs, did measure some blood pressures, and made an Penicillin's injection before I got some time to play with my new toy... Seemed just couple buttons but ohh... recorder, music, settings... hmm.. ooh music settings, rec settings, common settings, initializing, format, ... oh no! oh crap! cantbetruedangbackbackfakkstupidmoronnoooooooooowaaaaaay!
Great.. whole long night and no music even.... do I really have to start studing? :o

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Weight loss

Since I have finally understood the iportance of weigh loss then now I have to find a way to do it. Diet - most women know the meaning of it, thousands different ways to keep it and that the results are mostly a sweet roundy zero. You will lose a kilo and 2 will be back soon.

So... I need to get there trough clear mind, calculations and lots of help from outside. (I did call to my G.P. and will see her on this friday at 1 PM.)

Big Fat Cat

That's it.

Somehow it have been so that I have never been problems with health during my life. Even during school time I had to get tempridge up with light bulb... But as the proverb says "Ega tali taeva jää!" ("Winter will come always!" - meaning that what has to come that will come). There have popped up some problems with my health. And I dont like it.

I have been "big girl" all my life. But now the meaning big is getting to it's really meaning. And althou it never have bothered me I am big then now I feel it has effect on my health. I have to admit I am FAT!!!

Oh yea, of course I did know that before as well. Just it never bothered me as the fact of poor health. But now... I have really hard to breath, my legs are all swollen up and I have got somekind of heart rythm disorder... So I have to do something. And that something is lose weight!