Monday, July 7, 2008

I got home at 7:15 AM.

Me: I am going to ride with bicycle.
My son: I see...
Me: Do you want to come with?
My Son: I can't. I need to do the bed. He sounds grumpy.
Me: It's alright. I'll wait. I went into the kichen to prepear a cup of coffee.
My mom: Where are you going??
Me: To ride with bicycles.
My mom: Oh, it is too eraly! He just opened his eyes! You can't take him out like that.
Me: I was asking does he wants to come. He told he wants. The end.
My mom: Let him woke up first! You can't go and start doing something so hard so early on the mornig!
Me: Watch us.


It is just amazing how the things go. Yesterday I went at work with short shirt and it was cold althought sun was shining. Later I went at shop and decided to get a sweater from home. As thought so I did. When I drove back from shop in my woolen sweater I was mad because sun just decided to melt me up in it! Today I was getting home in my sweater and it seemed sooooooo hot so I decided to get my clothes changed and put on a shirt with opened back. And when I was on bicycle and on the streets already I realized that the weather is making fun with me. It was sooooo freezingly cold! I was thinking that it is good I have no willy because in other way it would be just an inch and even that would be inside me... But I don't have it. But I have nipples... Oh dear! My only thought was that I have to ride just quickly enough to get my skin warm!

We have our own rout already. There are some spots where I stop and wait my son to catch me. But till those spots I can ride as fast I can. I like when my hair will take wind under them. It gives the feeling what bird may have when they feel wind under their wings. I stopped in first spot. It was near of a forest. I felt mushrooms smell. I gasped it into my lungs. Oh dear! It was so good! I got down from the bicycle and left it on the side of road when I walked into the forest. The ground was wet from dew. I couldn't see any mushrooms but there were rasberry bushes and under them was some wild strawberries. I did pick some barely red berries. The grass was trodded down. Someone was here before me... ;)

I saw Jakob coming far behind me so I went back to my bicycle and called to him to drive straight and turned down from the street to right. It was quiet area because it was new. Just couple houses and lots of land for new families to buy it and build up their own houses. When I got up on the main street was Jakob waiting me there. I got upset. "I told you to ride on!" Pffttt! Now I have to wait for him again in next place so long time! I passed from him and cranked on while I was standing. I managed to get on 40 km/h! I felt how the wind in my hair blowed away being upset. So what, if I get enough money I will buy a new bicycle for myself and he can have mine current one. His is too heavy for riding.

I did stop in next spot to wait for him. He came finally. I told to him to changes bicycles and he was gladly agree. Oh dear! My kneew poked my chin on his bicycle! :P I drove a bit on but it made wierd noice.
- Jakob, check what the back tyre is doing. I think it is empty.
- Well, it is a bit yeah.
I did stop the bicycle and watched the tyre.
- Nope, I can't ride with it. I am too heavy for the tyre. It will break.
He wasn't happy to swop the bicycles again. I told him that we are going to gas station and will fill it with air. We rode on.

There street went down and after the curv came long straight part. I could see the sky between the houses. Oh dear, how beautiful clouds were on the blue backround! The smell of air was so fresh. The wind in my hair gave me feeling I can fly. Yeah, any minute now I will just strenght my hands up on my sides and fly straight into the sky and press my face into the soft clouds! Oh dear Jeesus, where are you?! Come and rise me up there that I could touch the clouds!

I can do that! I really can do that! I felt joy in my soul and willing to go home and get ready for God works. No empty doings today! I am able to go on again because I know God is with me. Even I turn away from right road sometimes, He will lead me back again and fills me up with good feelings. It has been just wonderful morning today!

We are driving back at home and I see the next spot I should wait him. I watch back and on the long stright road I just can't see him. I hear how Bonnie Tyler starts singing there... "Turn around... Every now and then I think you'll never be the boy I wanted you to be.... Turn around.... But every now and then I see you'll always be the only boy who will be mine the way what you are..." and the sound in my head I turn around to find where he is... There he is ;o)


I got home and made some sit-ups. Oh, I should do that more often! I should do that every day! I will! Today is just good time to start with it. I did lift my leg behind on my desk and made some chrouches with one leg and then with other one. Good, good. Just what my butt needs. After all of that I leaned back on the table with my hands and made some push-ups as well. Huh! Just a shower to take and I will feel as new person!


There sings Right Said Fred on my laptop and I will yell to sing with him. "....I'm a model, you know what I meeean.. And I do my little turn on the catwalk.. Yeah, on the catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah! I shake my little touche on the catwalk..." I am creaming my body while I am dancing by the music and sing with. I shake it so all my flabs shake like Homer's belly and moan: "... I'm too sexy for my cat, too sexy for my cat.. Poor pussy, poor pussy cat... I'm too sexy for my love, too sexy for my love... Love's going to leave me...." Hmm.. I am big girl. But it is alright. I love myself as I am and God doesn't give a shit how do I look like. But I am just... so sexy for the world! ;)

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