Sunday, July 6, 2008

Do Not Annoy the Unmedicated Person

I am not irritated. I am NOT irritated! I AM *peep* NOT IRRITATED!

Yeah, I am not. Just little bit off. Isn't it so easy to give up for temptations? You want something so much that you just are going to get it. Without thinking is it good for you or not and far away from thinking is it good for everyone else. It is so easy to give up. And after you have done it is much harder to get back out from the hole you have jumped with your free will.

Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. Luke 13:24

I want so much have clean conscience what to show to God. Stand there and feel I have let Him to do everything for cleaning me up. I am so dirty. And since there is still excisting little bit of my own wish to be dirty so long is He unable to get rid off it. So am I doomed? Or it is the bad thing with temptations? You wouldn't be temptated if you would have no desire by the sin. Yeah... But you know what? "Sun will shine alwys" and I will just stand there in middle of sunshine, rise my hands up and suck all the warmness inside me till I exude it back to the world. It is just me - Frog Princess the Sunray!!! And there is anything I can't do because I do know the little truth - God loves me and He sees my fights. He will be allways with me and leads me. He lifts me up even when I do jump myself into the hole...

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Mat. 7:14

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