Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Oh, and do NOT leave me, of course...

Unrepentently guilty...

I feel that way. I am studying on III course and I feel I know nothing. I did know some on the first course but now... I know nothing! I just wonder how have I managed to stay in college with studying methods like I have. The Method like "I have time, I have time, I have no time, God help me, I will start study, I make it, I forget my promises..." That has sent me trough the half year. What can I say... Just


Quiet stream, deep bottom... EVA!

Did open my emails and saw that Eva did answer to my request to see her blog. Well... didnt see what she did answer, just that she did it and then I just log in to read her writtings. I am still sitting at the children clinic. My day have been really pithful... I did measured a 17 years old boy's RR. Twice. Then I did rub a 8 months old girl's but into Methylen blue (whatever it is). Did hand fever thermometer to 3 different mom/dad that they could measure temperature of their offsprings, did draw tables into a workbook about 3 hours, standed middle the room and tried to keep back yawns and now its at 5 PM and I have read about an hour Eva's blog.

Maris said it is good. Don't know is it good but I really did made funny noices during reading so the nurse, carer and the resident squint at me. So what. Let me home then... They left room and I did really laugh laud till tears. Well.. I have to say it is good because I really laughed. Some experssions did disturbed me but its because of my principles not about she did use them.

Just read her answer as well she wrote to me "I did sent the invite. But I warn you I do write there very and very honestly. Happy reading." LOL. She REALLY did write very honestly there. When you talk about your feelings then you cant lie anyway. You just feel that way on this moment. Is it right then or not.


Kuolema said to me yesterday night Merry Christmas and hopefully we will see again in 2 months about. He is going to visit his parents for the time. Somehow it even made me sad. He said he will log on from laptop but he can't paly from there. But playing its not important because if I want someone to boost instas for me I can always bother Vouivre (althou he always says no) or maybe Tsister or kitkat to help me. In the same it gives me possibility to lvl TigelVigel up to the same lvl with Kjol (Kuo's alt) that we could do some quests together. Thaaaats a positive thing =]

I like Kuolema a lot. He is really kind and friendly person. And very helpful =]


I have tried to get Derek of from my thoughts and posts. Out from my life. But it seemed to be not possible. Till I realized couple days ago I will never gt him out from it because he was a part of my life. And I just can't delete that time. But finally I was agree with him, he is an arse. =] He really was, is and probably will be because the truth is that peopel won't change if they wont. I feel sorry of the time I spent crying and longing by him. I was living under well hidden terror of what will happen if I do... live. So I did stop living. I did lose my life and my friends.

I got it all couple days ago when was watching my friends and felt happy again. There will be always shadows in my life but they will be almost gone in shine of my all the happiness from my life :]

Long live sun.

Oh and long live WoW =]

Winter 2009 arraived yesterday. Officially.

Yesterday at 7.49 PM arrived winter in Estonia. Not the fact itself but the white slowly falling snow what did cover the land and the really boring day at children clinic and that continuous sitting and sneaking off time to time to have our fair of chit-chat made us decide to do something together. Outside. In snow.

At first there was 3 and half of us. Maris (1), Kätlin (1), Sandra (0,5) and me (1). Karin, Kadri N and Kerli Ke were just taking things easy and decided that weather outside is not for them. But it was for us. We were standing on the top fo the hill and Maris poke me "So? Let's go?" I did watch down from the hill, then I watched Maris. And then again down from the hill, and then I did watch Kätlin. Sigh. Alright then. I did give the green apple shaped butt plate to Maris and took the big yellow "pan" for myself. Everyone got the sledge accordingly the size of our butts. I did sat on my pan and did push myself down... When I finally got down were my mouth and eyes full of snow and I did hang on to the pan handles. Weeeeeee! That was fun!

3 hours on the hill. Eva L came there before her way to the Norwey course and took 2 rides down form the hill. And finally got Käthlin with her men and son there too. So finally left from the hill 5 of us. Maris (1), Kätlin (1), Sandra (0,5), Rinaldo (1), Käthlin (1), Markus (0,5) and me (1) ofc.

We decided to not go to Kapriis. Not that i would know where or what it is. But we just decided to take pizza and some snacks and go to the students house where Käthlin and Rinaldo and a room. Kätlin and Sandra left us but Kerlik Ke and Tiivi (who knows who was her) joined with us. We did eat 2,4 kilo pizza, bowl of chips and teh other bowl of raw veggies with dip sauce. Also we did drink a 1,5 liter of limonade Kreizi Maasikas and 2 litres of glög. Althou I did thought I will explode I couldnt stop my hands go again to veggies or chips bowl and then again near my mouth.. Exploding was not only dangerous what was lurking by us there but once I did almost choke because of unability stop laugh with full mouth...

So. Winter did arrive yesterday. Officially.

Today again.. I am sitting at children clinic and feel I have body.. My body muscles are in fire. Especially my tummy. Its really good to laugh..