Sunday, December 28, 2008

Me and my "what should I do list"

There was a time when I had another blog and there are some writtings of my happiest times and some from the most painful time. There I let my frog to do his wishlist and I had to do my own after that. But my wishes got over too quick after that and I never made my own wish list but I made my own "what should I do list" just to hold myself alive. Some of my "should" were a bit tied up my wishes too so I can count it as my half-wishes list. I don't know how is he doing with his wishes but I was checking over my lists (I made 2 of them - one before "big badda-boom" and one after that crash.)

WOW! :) I am so real! Or my wishes are so real. I have done so many of what I listed there. I am proud of myself! (Althouhg not very because there will come sin from pride ;)).

"What should I do"-list vol 1

* make a list what I do want
* make a list about what Derek wants - DONE
* start translating stuff - DONE!
* go and techange my driving licence - DONE
* go and renew my passport - DONE (made just ID card because I didn't want to make passport before I had to marry. I need to make a new wishlist where I have to make a passport as well or i wount get over border. Oh dear! I really have to do that! Or there will be no Mosambique! :p)
* Bring my doc-s into a collage - DONE and in

"What I should do" list vol 2

* Find a friend!! - DONE!!
* Articel about a book I read. - DONE!
* Studings! - still DOING!
* Talking with my boss about advising smokers! - I never will I guess...
* Bicycle! - DONE!
* Sport club! With my new friend!! - Umm...
* The column in MA and editing it... DONE! and finished :)
* Finish dutch course! I think... DONE!
* Africa.. I need to weigh it in my mind and I have time about 4 years for that. - Amazing how life is doing. Now when I have no real matter to go there are most of my doings tied with Africa... It shows me how much power have our wishes. They wont come true when you want them because it just takes time but they will come true one day. It's why we have to be really careful with what we are wishing...)

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