Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Olgaga on muidu kerge töötada, aga täna on kuidagi raske. Mina pakun talle keset päeva abi Paclitaxeli süsteemide täitmises, aga tema lubas mulle hoopsi midagi anda. Midagi rasket. Näiteks Mannitoli pudeli. Vastu pead. No vot. Aga muidu on täidsa tore.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Pöördun tagasi selle blogi juurde tegelikult seetõttu, et minu kallis töökaaslane Age arvas, et meil oleks aeg jälle blogi pidada ning seda plaani pidades lõin aadressiotsingusse sisse blogger, et teha uus lehekülg, kui see vana blogi mu ette ennast lahti lõi. No ja miks mitte siis seda uuendada. Hakka veel neljandat blogi tegema, mille ma varsti nagunii unustan.
Neljandat jah. Esimene oli Roosmannavaht. Või oli see Roosa taevamannavaht. Nagu nimigi ütleb on see mu varase nooruse sünnitis ajast, kui asjad olidki roosilised ja unistused hiiglasuured. Aga selle aeg sai ümber. Siis tuli see blogi. Ma isegi ei viitsi alla ma esimeste lugudeni skrollida, sest tõenäolised on nad vihased, kibedad ja täis enesehaletsuse pisaraid! No ja kui see maailmaviha ei olegi selles blogis, siis on ta kuskil mujal. Oh ja siis tuli kolmas blogi, mis oli salablogi üllal eesmärgil klatšida Vaenlast Number Üks - ülemust. Aga nüüd pole VNÜ ja nüüd kogunisti nii salajane, et ma ise ka seda enam lugeda ei saa (starost ne radost - märkus iseendale: osta märkmik tähtsate asjade meelespidamiseks.)
No vot, ja siis ma ei viitig seda neljandat blogi teha, vaid lähen siinkohal lihtsalt oma armsas emakeeles edasi alustades Petersoni Krissu kauni luuletusega, mis nii armstasti ütles:
kas siis selle maa keel
laulutuules ei või
taevani tõustes üles
igavikku omale otsida?
Võib küll. Ja interneti sügavustes säilib see mõte siin kas just igavesti, aga üsna pikalt kindlasti.
Külmas pohja tules
Minno rahva melesse
Omma kaste ei valla?
- Kui siin lummises pohjas
- Illosa ‘aisoga mürtike
- Villoses kaljoorros
- Ei voi öitseda kauniste:
- Kas siis meie maa keel,
- Mis kui tassa oiake
- Omma illo ei tundes
- ‘Einama läbbi, sinnise
- Taeva kullases tulles
- Rahhoga on jookslemas;
- Egga torreda ‘eälega,
- Omma rammo ei tundes
- Taeva mürristamissega
- Kui merri on ‘üüdmas:
Kas siis selle maa keel
Laulo tules ei voi
Taevani toustes ülles
Iggavust ommale otsida?
- Siis ma vottan teid
- Selge, sinnise taeva
- Tähhed, maa peält
- Körge issamaa pole
- Römoga vadates, laulda:
- Siis ma laulan sind
- Öse kunningas, kuu!
- Kes sa pilvede süllesta,
- Ni kui pungasta lillike,
- Löbbusa valge pallega
- Üllestoused taeva al,
- Kus tullised tähhed
- Mahha on langemas
- Sinno eest musta
- Pimmeda uio sisse.
- Nenda innimeste vaim!
Kui so mötte on otsimas
Jummalat tähhede alta!
(Kristjan Jaak Peterson)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
There we go…
I have so many times to think to blog again but…
…I haven’t have time for that. All those evenings to walk trough my home town back home from work the same streets, same walking paths, same trees, same houses. Even same thoughts on some places. There have been so many different days what I have enjoyed but still have had some similar thoughts in same spots on may way back home or from home to work or college. There is the the oak alley on my way. Every fall when the oaks drop their leaves and tiny acorns I feel there walking or cycling as a faith. Like all those tiny acorns what have falling, lying, rolling on the street are like people on they way in the world and my bicycle wheels or boots are like faith what hits random acorns disturbing their line of flight. Changing their way, their plans, their life with smashing or changing their direction.
When the oak alley goes over to maple alley I see in front of my eyes the maple near my home. It’s the only red maple I have seen on my ways in the town. Or at least the only one I do remember. And that thought pops into my mind only because the maples on the maple alley are all yellow when fall arrives.
Yeah… so many times I have thought on blogging all the thoughts about the way. But now first time during the 4 years I finally have sat down and wrote about them. Probably only because I just discovered Windows’ blogging program on my laptop and wanted to try how does it work.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Since the new year in college has started and lots of homeworks are needed to do I was just googling information for one of my subject and was reading and reading and all that estonina was like chinese! I did check the page address and it was in english and it made a jingle to ding in my head while I was reading on. And then one bright moment during failure to understand my own mothertongue on the website I did realized that the page was automaticly translated into estonian by some very bad web translator :P
Mwhahaaa... it was sooooo funny that I did continue reading. The biggest fail to maketranslator what translates things to estonian :P
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Big Fail
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Weight loss
So... I need to get there trough clear mind, calculations and lots of help from outside. (I did call to my G.P. and will see her on this friday at 1 PM.)
Big Fat Cat
Somehow it have been so that I have never been problems with health during my life. Even during school time I had to get tempridge up with light bulb... But as the proverb says "Ega tali taeva jää!" ("Winter will come always!" - meaning that what has to come that will come). There have popped up some problems with my health. And I dont like it.
I have been "big girl" all my life. But now the meaning big is getting to it's really meaning. And althou it never have bothered me I am big then now I feel it has effect on my health. I have to admit I am FAT!!!
Oh yea, of course I did know that before as well. Just it never bothered me as the fact of poor health. But now... I have really hard to breath, my legs are all swollen up and I have got somekind of heart rythm disorder... So I have to do something. And that something is lose weight!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
thats it
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Murphy's law
So my washing.. Since my watersystem is broken i had to use a bowl and a can to pour water on my head. Ofc I wanna complain about it because I have a bath but I cant even use it. I really dream about lying in the hot bath in my own dirty water.... mmmm.... but ofc I dont complain because some ppl in Africa are happy when they have water to drink just :o
Well.. the can was occupied. I did hold there my keefir's pack and who dont know what is keefir it has missed something really delicous what you can make from milk. I did just took the opened plasticbag out from the can and set it on the cupboard to stand and wait may returnd.
My head was real cheese. But well.. we didnt have to get into little details of my washing details. I did was all my special parts and when I returned then guess what... ofc there Murphy's law had fullfilled:
If anything can go wrong, it will
Corollary: It can
Corollary: It should
MacGillicuddy's Corollary: At the most inopportune time
Extension: it will be all your fault, and everyone will know it.
The packet with delicous inside stuff was fallen over and now I just have to go to clean it all up to make sure that noone gets to know anything happened at all. But for that is another Murphy's law, I am sure...