-DiFeReNTe-: :)
-DiFeReNTe-: that's a little creepy funny nick
-DiFeReNTe-: name is eric...
-LittleCreepyGirl-: yours not bad too
-LittleCreepyGirl-: hi
-LittleCreepyGirl-: what makes you different?
-DiFeReNTe-: my will to be different, I guess
-LittleCreepyGirl-: and how are you different?
-DiFeReNTe-: well
-DiFeReNTe-: I enjoy to think
-DiFeReNTe-: I don't have any mass psychology
-DiFeReNTe-: I?m not ugly... but I just don't go out
-DiFeReNTe-: ratter to keep writting my poetry in my self retirement
-DiFeReNTe-: I'm a medicine student
-DiFeReNTe-: My object of study is the human and I want to profundize my psychological, biological and espiritual comprenssion of the human being
-DiFeReNTe-: I'm the only bolivia nacionalsocialist I know
-DiFeReNTe-: and... well..
-DiFeReNTe-: ...what do u think?
-DiFeReNTe-: ran away already?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: lol
-DiFeReNTe-: What about ur interests?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: Should study for exam tomorrow ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I mean... u like to party, I think.... everyone does (but me)
-DiFeReNTe-: mmm
-LittleCreepyGirl-: but like always I will apear in IRC when I should study
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I think it is just a way to escape ;D
-DiFeReNTe-: and what about MSN?
-DiFeReNTe-: I mean...
-DiFeReNTe-: U r pretty interesting and entusiastic to just let u go
-DiFeReNTe-: I'd be really pleased to keep in touch with U, only if u like so
-DiFeReNTe-: I must confess I really admire intelligence and humor in the people...
-LittleCreepyGirl-: oh that's really intresting
-LittleCreepyGirl-: we have changed couple words about nothing and you already saw how intelligent I am ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I can get an idea...
-DiFeReNTe-: ;) a good one
-DiFeReNTe-: So now I would like to exchange mails or something... I almost have no contactsē
-LittleCreepyGirl-: it may just mean that you are on very intelligent ... :P
-LittleCreepyGirl-: not*
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ohohhoo!
-LittleCreepyGirl-: on first date you want my contacts already!
-LittleCreepyGirl-: what will happen for next?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you will propse me?
-DiFeReNTe-: maybe an scape to an island
-DiFeReNTe-: I still didn't think already...
-DiFeReNTe-: Well...
-DiFeReNTe-: I don't use to use the irc, so please don't take it so bad
-LittleCreepyGirl-: why should I care about it? :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I do use IRC quite often ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: and I also have a clear idea about what i want
-DiFeReNTe-: I just using my right to ask
-DiFeReNTe-: :)
-DiFeReNTe-: think I really suck at this
-DiFeReNTe-: :|
-LittleCreepyGirl-: well.. what do you think how many times in a day I get offerings to change email addresses or MSN contacts? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: mmmm
-DiFeReNTe-: now u got a point
-LittleCreepyGirl-: and how many lists I would have for contacts who all want to talk with me in MSN?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so should I take secretary to talk with all of them ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: maybe that's why u should be selective
-DiFeReNTe-: so... please... slect now
-LittleCreepyGirl-: good that you do understand me :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: nope
-DiFeReNTe-: :)
-DiFeReNTe-: I should'n asked u that way
-DiFeReNTe-: Is just I so appreciate intelligence
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I cant see the point why I should select you?
-DiFeReNTe-: the intelligence and sensivity are the key to the truth an I love so much the truth
-LittleCreepyGirl-: well.. I will get the point why you want my contact
-LittleCreepyGirl-: but your flattering is not what makes me you to add you
-DiFeReNTe-: Think I should be glad
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so give me some reason I should do that ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: real reason ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: Ehmmm
-DiFeReNTe-: I have a good one
-DiFeReNTe-: that was not flattering
-LittleCreepyGirl-: oh it was
-LittleCreepyGirl-: and it didn't have effect ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I was just explaining how do i love truth and how intelligent and sensitive people makes me feel a little nearer
-LittleCreepyGirl-: yes
-DiFeReNTe-: I appreciate the way you want to give me a chance to convince you
-DiFeReNTe-: I appreciate the way you want to give me a chance to convince you
-DiFeReNTe-: But it's to hard... there r people who r really professionals in the chatting game. I just can tell you what I think about u and the girls who put "creepy" on her nicks
-LittleCreepyGirl-: and since our convo havent been very long then it just brings up doubts about the serious of what you did say :)
-DiFeReNTe-: :o
-DiFeReNTe-: u really think, my fella
-DiFeReNTe-: amazing
-LittleCreepyGirl-: oh tell me
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I am really intrested what do you think about girls who call themselves as Creepy :)
-DiFeReNTe-: I think they perceive the little funny irreverence that involves the use the word as "creepy" to describe a not-conventional carismatic personality
-DiFeReNTe-: and it also could mean that they r not "narrow minded"
-DiFeReNTe-: with all the advantages that includes
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: what are they then?
-DiFeReNTe-: ehmmmmmmmm
-DiFeReNTe-: I'll try to explain it the best way possible
-LittleCreepyGirl-: if they are not "narrow minded"
-LittleCreepyGirl-: then what are they? :)
-DiFeReNTe-: they r the ideal land to plant the greatests seeds. The place where the biggest ideas can grow
-DiFeReNTe-: open-minded
-DiFeReNTe-: :|
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so what is the seed you want to plant in them? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: u r really smart
-DiFeReNTe-: starting to scare me....
-DiFeReNTe-: I just want to exchange opinions
-DiFeReNTe-: I like to think and like to others people ideas... cause when u see other has got to the same idea as you by a different way you know that's cause the idea is true
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so what is the seed you want to share? :)
-DiFeReNTe-: mmmmmm
-DiFeReNTe-: well..
-LittleCreepyGirl-: what is the topic you want to have discuss about?
-DiFeReNTe-: U won
-LittleCreepyGirl-: won what? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I'd like to discuss about anything.... life, death, books, animals, politics
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I thought you have some message to tell me ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: some seed to plant on me ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: if u understand spanish u can take a peek to my material... a little tiny part www.fotolog.com/tanatorio
-LittleCreepyGirl-: but I dont understand spanish :)
-DiFeReNTe-: there r three funny pics
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so you have to explain it to me here and now
-DiFeReNTe-: how do u get to mess with my head?
-DiFeReNTe-: never happened me before
-DiFeReNTe-: how old r u?
-DiFeReNTe-: I really need to know
-DiFeReNTe-: :| feel like in "silence of the lambs"
-LittleCreepyGirl-: how old being would be ok for you? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: that is not an answer, my fella
-DiFeReNTe-: tell me the right number and promise that would be my favorite one
-DiFeReNTe-: I would say u r ehmmmmm
-DiFeReNTe-: 20
-DiFeReNTe-: æ?
-DiFeReNTe-: 40?
-DiFeReNTe-: 1500?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: do you feel like Hannibal Lector or like his victims? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: Haha...
-DiFeReNTe-: pretty funny, Dr Lecter
-DiFeReNTe-: now tell me ur age
-LittleCreepyGirl-: what would you prefer? 20 or 40? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: i reallly don't care
-DiFeReNTe-: any age under 50 is good
-LittleCreepyGirl-: in this case I am not over 50
-DiFeReNTe-: oooooooo
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so that's all waht you need to know ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: cos you dont care ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: now tell me so I can tell u something really funny about the pics I want u to see
-DiFeReNTe-: U had ur fun.
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you dont need my age for that ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: C'mon
-DiFeReNTe-: let it out
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I am, still having my fun ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: yeah
-DiFeReNTe-: i can FEEL it
-DiFeReNTe-: deep inside
-DiFeReNTe-: funny feeling u cause on me
-DiFeReNTe-: like a inner unfreezing
-DiFeReNTe-: strange
-DiFeReNTe-: let's keep on the game
-DiFeReNTe-: so I also like girls over 18
-LittleCreepyGirl-: feel it breath it believe it and youll be walking on air ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: ha ha
-DiFeReNTe-: :')
-DiFeReNTe-: u kill me
-DiFeReNTe-: u really do :|
-DiFeReNTe-: I would like to go before u tell me u want to go or need to go to study
-LittleCreepyGirl-: With her little funny eyes of hazel, with her little funny old blue hat. She will go and set the world on fire - No one ever thougt she could do that
-LittleCreepyGirl-: i need to go to study long time ago already ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: haha
-DiFeReNTe-: HA
-DiFeReNTe-: :D
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so you can freely leave :)
-DiFeReNTe-: No, i can't
-LittleCreepyGirl-: what keeps you here?
-DiFeReNTe-: I still have not convinced u to stop torturing me with ur negative
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I am very positive ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: couldn't forgive me that
-DiFeReNTe-: :)
-DiFeReNTe-: so
-DiFeReNTe-: u have an email address u would like to share with me?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I say very positivel "no" to you ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I say very positively "no" to you ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: let me guess...
-DiFeReNTe-: u r not being sarcastic
-DiFeReNTe-: u have made ur decision
-LittleCreepyGirl-: bingo ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: it's my fault
-DiFeReNTe-: should'nt asked u that
-DiFeReNTe-: not in the first chat session
-DiFeReNTe-: causes a bad impression
-DiFeReNTe-: so I think I must do something to straight things up
-DiFeReNTe-: :D
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I am so happy that you finally (after couple meters of conversation) got it ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: U can have my address
-DiFeReNTe-: nomeimportista@hotmail.com
-LittleCreepyGirl-: hahahaaaa
-DiFeReNTe-: ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you are and optimist ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you are an optimist ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: hopefully it will alleviate your dissapointment ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: believe me
-LittleCreepyGirl-: breath it
-DiFeReNTe-: if u just think I have a strange behavior u block me and finished
-LittleCreepyGirl-: feel it
-LittleCreepyGirl-: and you'll walking on air ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I have many art material and things u'll really like to see
-DiFeReNTe-: my favorite is "me, the cat and the funny hat"
-LittleCreepyGirl-: how do you know I do like it?
-DiFeReNTe-: male intuition u may call it
-DiFeReNTe-: the fact is that i do
-DiFeReNTe-: and I also know u like interesting and not common people
-DiFeReNTe-: and that is enough reason to keep in contact now that I realize it
-LittleCreepyGirl-: not intrested ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I now
-DiFeReNTe-: look
-DiFeReNTe-: here's the reason
[19:42:52] * LittleCreepyGirl with her little creepy face, saying funny things that you've never heard..
-LittleCreepyGirl-: do you know what it's all about?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: are you brave enough to figure out?? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: mmmmmmm
-DiFeReNTe-: that u don't like me at all
-LittleCreepyGirl-: do you know the song?
-DiFeReNTe-: No, I don't...
-DiFeReNTe-: look
-DiFeReNTe-: when u get a "no" from someone u may get sure that person will deny you almost everything later
-LittleCreepyGirl-: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5RliKuMUb4 :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: listen then ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: that's why the best starting for a syber-friendship would be that u accept my humble proposition
-LittleCreepyGirl-: but who told you that I care about the person denying me later? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I'm telling that ifu deny me ur msn as u do that would spoil the whole conversation
-LittleCreepyGirl-: for me or for you? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: for what is worth for both
-LittleCreepyGirl-: who are you that you know what is worth for me?
-DiFeReNTe-: I'm just telling is that it would be perfect if u care
-DiFeReNTe-: I don't lie
-DiFeReNTe-: I don't leave
-DiFeReNTe-: i don't dissappoint
-DiFeReNTe-: and I don't hurt
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so they tell always ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: why it would be different now ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I don't know
-DiFeReNTe-: I used to use a female nick's when teen pranking
-DiFeReNTe-: but.... they were real perverts
-DiFeReNTe-: :|
-DiFeReNTe-: that's why it's easy to understand ur dennial... What I find difficult is to show U that if u don't like me then means the world is a little more absurd than i thought
-LittleCreepyGirl-: awww.. are you pressing now on my compation about you? ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: are you trying to find out my weaknesses? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: :(
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you have poked me everywhere already and you see.. I have really strong shell arond me ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: but you still try ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I just want to have ur mail adress to send u some written and graphic material. If it causes u so many trouble... I hire u the secretary
-LittleCreepyGirl-: hahaha
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I am not intrested about those graphics ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: ok, then let's make them books
-DiFeReNTe-: I love them
-DiFeReNTe-: my favorite know is the bible
-LittleCreepyGirl-: good for you ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I also like the apocriphs
-DiFeReNTe-: :(
-DiFeReNTe-: u have not a shell
-LittleCreepyGirl-: optimist ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: is just that u have made a shell around me
-DiFeReNTe-: well, missie
-LittleCreepyGirl-: oh? now I am intrested already ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: where are you from? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: told u already
-DiFeReNTe-: Bolivia
-DiFeReNTe-: U know... a little country... South america...
-LittleCreepyGirl-: darksikinned and hot men ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I see ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: mmm
-DiFeReNTe-: well
-DiFeReNTe-: my skin is not that dark
-LittleCreepyGirl-: your hair colour?
-DiFeReNTe-: But I have a pretty interesting look
-LittleCreepyGirl-: why is it intresting?
-DiFeReNTe-: my hair is dark brown same as my eyes
-DiFeReNTe-: cause I look like a tender and cute scientist
-DiFeReNTe-: ehm...
-LittleCreepyGirl-: oh I see ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: Mmm... yeah.... I like the bright of my eyes... I think everyoone who has bright eyes has brightness on him
-DiFeReNTe-: my face is too expressive
-DiFeReNTe-: I'm thin, but really strong
-DiFeReNTe-: I'd hate to have a belly
-DiFeReNTe-: that's why I don't abusse of junk food
-DiFeReNTe-: maybe it has been a junk-day
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;P
-DiFeReNTe-: :|
-DiFeReNTe-: did I offend someone?
-DiFeReNTe-: Well
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so why do you have to find someone from IRC with such a look you have?
-DiFeReNTe-: Cause.... here
-DiFeReNTe-: in Bolivia
-DiFeReNTe-: girls
-DiFeReNTe-: r
-DiFeReNTe-: not so smart
-DiFeReNTe-: u r a genius
-DiFeReNTe-: and I also don't go out so much...
-DiFeReNTe-: My house is too big to feel claustrophobic
-DiFeReNTe-: I also use to be rude with people
-DiFeReNTe-: specially girls... I don't want to mess with their emotions
-DiFeReNTe-: it would be... mean
-LittleCreepyGirl-: but you want to mess with my emotions?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintresting!
-DiFeReNTe-: :o
-DiFeReNTe-: U r so funny
-DiFeReNTe-: he he...
-DiFeReNTe-: c'mon
-DiFeReNTe-: u now u r a manipulator, u don't need me to tell u so
-DiFeReNTe-: U think I would dare to use a trick on u?
-DiFeReNTe-: no... it wouldn't work on u
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you can still try ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: on u only works the truth
-LittleCreepyGirl-: it would be more intresting that the drooling you do now ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ah but when will we get to the truth?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: when u get interested
-LittleCreepyGirl-: how old are you?
-DiFeReNTe-: 23
-DiFeReNTe-: see? a sincere guy
-DiFeReNTe-: ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so I get now why your limit gets to 50 only ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I meant that cause I love children and ur question was vague
-DiFeReNTe-: I thought my sister was the smartest girl on the world. But u seem to be more mature, not for saying intelligent
-LittleCreepyGirl-: and how old is your sis?
-DiFeReNTe-: 17
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I think she is still smart :)
-DiFeReNTe-: I think... But... when I analyze the content on ur messages I realize u r smarter than a I could ever wait
-LittleCreepyGirl-: anyway, Bolivian darkskinned cute guy with dark brown hair and big enough house to not have claustrophobia
-DiFeReNTe-: well
-DiFeReNTe-: :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: i leave you here now to find someone who wants to see your graphics ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: hey
-DiFeReNTe-: just add me
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I need to study ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I'll take care of the rest
-LittleCreepyGirl-: what is that rest you will care of? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: to get u to know me
-DiFeReNTe-: I'll traslate my writings for u
-DiFeReNTe-: Prepare pics
-LittleCreepyGirl-: hah ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: My inedit videos...
-LittleCreepyGirl-: lets make so that you care of the rest first
-LittleCreepyGirl-: and then we may talk about addings ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: okey dokey
-LittleCreepyGirl-: okey donkey ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: just leave me ur adress to send u them
-DiFeReNTe-: promise not to add u to msn until u give me the permission
-LittleCreepyGirl-: good try ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: but for that I should be more naive than you believe I am ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: :o
-DiFeReNTe-: Hey
-DiFeReNTe-: I really promise
-DiFeReNTe-: I like to write
-LittleCreepyGirl-: and I really believe you ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: And know u like to read me
-LittleCreepyGirl-: but still
-DiFeReNTe-: That's not fair
-DiFeReNTe-: u said the reason was the msn list
-DiFeReNTe-: u said nothing about ur mail adress
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I care enough about you to not give you any temptation ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: :o
-DiFeReNTe-: But
-DiFeReNTe-: I am inmune to temptations
-DiFeReNTe-: :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: no "butts" ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: just this time
-DiFeReNTe-: make an exception
-DiFeReNTe-: will be a good excercise
-DiFeReNTe-: I deserve that
-DiFeReNTe-: give me a try
-LittleCreepyGirl-: hah! You are stubborn :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: oh sorry ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: U'll never see an invitation from me on ur msn
-LittleCreepyGirl-: the word is DETERMINED ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: hey
-LittleCreepyGirl-: DO you know what
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I will put all that convo into my blog ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: how am i suppossed to send u messages?
-DiFeReNTe-: smoke signals?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: would be good try :D
-DiFeReNTe-: sorry, don't smoke
-DiFeReNTe-: hehe
-DiFeReNTe-: coff
-DiFeReNTe-: :|
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: now tell me and I promise I'll be a good guy
-LittleCreepyGirl-: tell you what?
-DiFeReNTe-: the address I chould write
-DiFeReNTe-: *should
-DiFeReNTe-: I'll handwrite it if it's necessary to don't get u spam
-LittleCreepyGirl-: hillaryclinton@whitehouse.com ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: u r.......
-DiFeReNTe-: :')
-LittleCreepyGirl-: what am I? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: special...
-LittleCreepyGirl-: special what? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: and I'm special enough to notice how special u r
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: Let it be ur will
-LittleCreepyGirl-: last one ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: let my hope in a future friendship with u sunkens on the sea of nowhere
-LittleCreepyGirl-: oh you are poet too ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I'm a box of chocolates
-LittleCreepyGirl-: hopefoully filled with milkcream ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: with ur name on it
-DiFeReNTe-: ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: Take care, chocolate boy ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: hey
-DiFeReNTe-: the address, lady
-DiFeReNTe-: uff
-DiFeReNTe-: U really r mean when u try
-DiFeReNTe-: but this is serious
-DiFeReNTe-: we r talking about the future of a great friendship here
-DiFeReNTe-: just write it down and let's keep on with our lives
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you would be good saleman ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: but I dont have money to buy it anyway ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: i will... I will sell plastic surgerys
-DiFeReNTe-: HEY
-DiFeReNTe-: hahahaha
-DiFeReNTe-: goood one
-DiFeReNTe-: talking about profession
-DiFeReNTe-: My body is still on the morgue, gotta go before it starts stinking
-DiFeReNTe-: It will be a hard autopsy afternoon
-LittleCreepyGirl-: :)
-DiFeReNTe-: u can make it a pleaseant afternoon, coming to think
-DiFeReNTe-: please... do
-LittleCreepyGirl-: how long more to finish your studings?
-DiFeReNTe-: 2 years
-LittleCreepyGirl-: :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: then you will be rich rich man ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: Not thinking about that.. but think that comes with work
-DiFeReNTe-: if my dad could...
-DiFeReNTe-: well..
-LittleCreepyGirl-: could do what?
-DiFeReNTe-: work so hard and be attorney of the state
-DiFeReNTe-: but that's not important now
-DiFeReNTe-: I'm about to leave
-DiFeReNTe-: and U have the decision to make my afternoon a nightmare or a pleasant good remembering of this conversation
-LittleCreepyGirl-: it really sucks :/ I just posted our convo into my blog and it just removed or nicks!
-DiFeReNTe-: :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: our*
-DiFeReNTe-: try harder... try the block note
-DiFeReNTe-: hey
-DiFeReNTe-: :)
-DiFeReNTe-: I leave...
-LittleCreepyGirl-: good
-LittleCreepyGirl-: me too :)
-DiFeReNTe-: show me ur kindness
-DiFeReNTe-: show me ur kindness
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I have none
-DiFeReNTe-: write ur address...
-DiFeReNTe-: :)
-DiFeReNTe-: plz
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: go to your stinky body ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: make my day
-LittleCreepyGirl-: and say hi to it from me ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: i will
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I even give you premission to kiss it for me ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: and now give me ur addresss and i will even dance withhim
-LittleCreepyGirl-: didn't I give you one already?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: the one of the girl of billie clinton
-DiFeReNTe-: but I wanted yours
-DiFeReNTe-: and u knew that
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: can I be the girl of Billy? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: mmm... I don't know
-DiFeReNTe-: but If even Monika L could...
-DiFeReNTe-: Hey
-DiFeReNTe-: hey, brainiac... give me ur email address or I will be reppenting on this the whole day
-DiFeReNTe-: :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: mlevincky@takemebill.com ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: allellujah!
-LittleCreepyGirl-: :p
-DiFeReNTe-: awear me it's jouir and I'll start dancing like snoopy
[20:47:09] * LittleCreepyGirl rolls on the floor and keeps trears back :P
-DiFeReNTe-: swear me it's jouir and I'll start dancing like snoopy
-DiFeReNTe-: swear me it's youirs and I'll start dancing like snoopy
-DiFeReNTe-: :D
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I dont swear :P
-DiFeReNTe-: cause is it's not...
-DiFeReNTe-: well...
-LittleCreepyGirl-: cos it is not polite ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I just wanted to be asure
-DiFeReNTe-: the second part says
-DiFeReNTe-: @tamemebill.com
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so what :)
-DiFeReNTe-: I don't now... a little weird
-LittleCreepyGirl-: :P
-LittleCreepyGirl-: and the first side is ok? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: could be another of ur evil tricks
-DiFeReNTe-: mmm
-DiFeReNTe-: NO!
-DiFeReNTe-: :(
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you kill me with laugh :P
-DiFeReNTe-: that's healthy
-LittleCreepyGirl-: to die by laugh :P
-DiFeReNTe-: .... not for the cardiacs... but for most of people it is
-LittleCreepyGirl-: my cheeks are in cramps!
-DiFeReNTe-: ha ha
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I need medical doc!
-DiFeReNTe-: Ok...
-DiFeReNTe-: I hope hillary or monika appreciate my art
[20:51:35] * DiFeReNTe runs dramaticlly into the rain
-LittleCreepyGirl-: :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: leffa leffa :)
-DiFeReNTe-: hey
-DiFeReNTe-: plz
-DiFeReNTe-: PLZ
-DiFeReNTe-: Do
-DiFeReNTe-: c'mon
-DiFeReNTe-: Do
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you are my king of drama ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: glad u ap`preciate it
-DiFeReNTe-: Hey
-DiFeReNTe-: :D
-LittleCreepyGirl-: next time you hopefully call yourself as dramaking when I see you ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: now where will I writte u?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: memoserv here?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: only give me ur true address
-DiFeReNTe-: only thing i asked u
-DiFeReNTe-: no more insistence from me
-LittleCreepyGirl-: http://beyondmyrainbow.blogspot.com/ ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: y meand email adress...
-DiFeReNTe-: don't try subterfugees
-LittleCreepyGirl-: oh and how can you trust me when I give you an email now ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I just will
-DiFeReNTe-: and will write there
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: but you wont get it ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: give up, boy ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I'm not a giver
-LittleCreepyGirl-: oh I see
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you want to get just ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I don't give up
-DiFeReNTe-: I just retire
-LittleCreepyGirl-: hopefully soon ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: as soon as u writte it
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so you nvere will ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: u asked me a reason and already gave u a lot
-LittleCreepyGirl-: none of them didn't melt my heart ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: so read
-LittleCreepyGirl-: read what ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I'm not very good at this. I know there is a lot of people who have a lot of practice. But I do know how to recognize someone I could appreciate. It almost never happen. BUt right now I'm pretty convinced. Even If u r not the kind of person that gets persuaded I must try cause is what i feel should I do. It's not enough with tryig, so I ask u to trust this bolivian fella when he says he has no second intentions and only wants to get to know u
-DiFeReNTe-: We have so many to say each other...
-DiFeReNTe-: :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: almost melted my heart ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I am still waiting that something what you have to say to me ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I like u
-DiFeReNTe-: now u can hate me
-DiFeReNTe-: (never said "i like you" before)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: just a bit more and you say you have fell in love with me
-LittleCreepyGirl-: and then just one step to propse me
-LittleCreepyGirl-: right?
-DiFeReNTe-: I'm not that kind of guy
-LittleCreepyGirl-: oh! :D
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I am getting intrest already indeed :P
-LittleCreepyGirl-: and!
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I managed add our names on blog ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: ...:D
-DiFeReNTe-: great
-DiFeReNTe-: I knew it was to precipitated to telll u that, but may not see u again... and just let it go
-DiFeReNTe-: I thought that would melt ur heart
-LittleCreepyGirl-: not at all ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I spoiled that?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I would believe you more I would see you next time again ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: too bad I don have a poligraph with USB connection to convince u
-DiFeReNTe-: ...I just hope there's a next time
-DiFeReNTe-: is the first time i see u on the irc
-DiFeReNTe-: and don't enter so often...
-DiFeReNTe-: well..
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you havent noticed me just before :)
-DiFeReNTe-: ...things don't always go out like they should...
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so maybe it was not worth of any effort then ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: and you can always read our log on my blog ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: only worths if u want it to worth, "brainy"
-DiFeReNTe-: make it worth
-DiFeReNTe-: make my day
-DiFeReNTe-: get me a smile
-DiFeReNTe-: I'lll take care for u not to regret
-DiFeReNTe-: It would be really fun to make u know me
[21:19:18] * LittleCreepyGirl gives a smile at you o)
[21:19:46] * LittleCreepyGirl gives a smile at you more ;;o)
-DiFeReNTe-: maybe that's alll I needed
-DiFeReNTe-: all i deserve
-LittleCreepyGirl-: You are really a drama king ;o)
-DiFeReNTe-: That's the worst part of having a poet heart
-DiFeReNTe-: well
-DiFeReNTe-: u r right
-DiFeReNTe-: it's not that important
-DiFeReNTe-: I'll focus in what nice was chatting with u
-LittleCreepyGirl-: hopefully whole of it ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: and that for a instant i was so close to u... as the halley comet was frome the earth once
-DiFeReNTe-: but the time to leave has come
-DiFeReNTe-: and ur negative prevales
-DiFeReNTe-: so shall it be...
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so shall it be :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: God bless your heart :)
-DiFeReNTe-: which heart?
-DiFeReNTe-: the one u just ripped off?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you are the doctor
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you should know the beauty of outripped heart :)
-DiFeReNTe-: oh... yeah... I know
-DiFeReNTe-: nothing greater than loneliness
-LittleCreepyGirl-: You are never alon
-LittleCreepyGirl-: God is with you :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: the same God who is with me :)
-DiFeReNTe-: only Him
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so you are not lonely ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you are richest man on the world :)
-DiFeReNTe-: :)
-DiFeReNTe-: look
-DiFeReNTe-: I just wanted a group of letters from you
-DiFeReNTe-: U r a good smart girl
-DiFeReNTe-: nothing worths now if I didn't get that simple thing i wanted just to get u to know me
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I check time to time my blog ;) there should be place you can email to me I guess
-LittleCreepyGirl-: if you are really in need to do that ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I thought it was enough being myself
-LittleCreepyGirl-: :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: maybe it was
-LittleCreepyGirl-: but you never will get to know that ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: is that a kind of psycho placebo?
-DiFeReNTe-: well..
-LittleCreepyGirl-: if it has the effect ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: no... I'm losing no chance
-DiFeReNTe-: i never had one
-DiFeReNTe-: If after all this u don't trust me and u persist on ur cruel attitude it will last a long more
-LittleCreepyGirl-: was it threatening? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I will prepare for that... I have just remembered why do I stay away from people sometimes they always hurt
-LittleCreepyGirl-: de javu
-LittleCreepyGirl-: are you sure we havent talked before ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I would still have the trauma
-LittleCreepyGirl-: someone has told me taht already ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: well... good luck. i know u didn't wanted to make felel anyone bad
-DiFeReNTe-: *feel
-DiFeReNTe-: i'll be okay in couple of hours
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I know I didnt do anyone felel bad ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: feel*
-DiFeReNTe-: I feel like poopy
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you will be forgotten me in couple of hours ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: never
-DiFeReNTe-: so long... illusion
-LittleCreepyGirl-: like an airballon
-DiFeReNTe-: like 99 luftballons
-LittleCreepyGirl-: *boom* and they will be gone :)
-DiFeReNTe-: And I think on u and I let it go...
-LittleCreepyGirl-: but still.. they were beautiful :)
-DiFeReNTe-: nothing in my world is beautiful
-LittleCreepyGirl-: teh memory of me will be ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: will be bitter as ear cerumen
-DiFeReNTe-: but... that's life
-LittleCreepyGirl-: and life is a flower ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: life is only a dark and lonely way to death!
-LittleCreepyGirl-: death is part of life ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: :|
-DiFeReNTe-: mmm
-DiFeReNTe-: okay
-DiFeReNTe-: denigrated
-DiFeReNTe-: sad
-DiFeReNTe-: dissappointed
-DiFeReNTe-: confussed
-LittleCreepyGirl-: loved
-DiFeReNTe-: humillated
-LittleCreepyGirl-: happy
-LittleCreepyGirl-: brightened
-DiFeReNTe-: share ur happinnes then
-DiFeReNTe-: please make a miracle for me
-LittleCreepyGirl-: humillated??
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I have done well too much already ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you are the firstone who got my blog ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: a little bit more won't hurt, believe it
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I do regret it already ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: :|
-DiFeReNTe-: So i regret not asking for it
-DiFeReNTe-: :P
-LittleCreepyGirl-: do you know what does /clearall?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: yeah
-DiFeReNTe-: a threat
-LittleCreepyGirl-: have you tried it ever??
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: sounds great
-DiFeReNTe-: sorry to have bottered u... in the intensity it affected u
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you are forgiven, my son ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I think I insist to much, but only cause a negative is the worst beggining for a relationship
-DiFeReNTe-: the WORST
-DiFeReNTe-: so if u want me to take u in a horse at the midnight u must acceed for this once
[21:45:55] * LittleCreepyGirl sings: drama drama drama
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: are you the prince who came to save me? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I ratter to be dead if I am not
-DiFeReNTe-: :O
-LittleCreepyGirl-: and you are saving me for what? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: from or for?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: tell you me
-DiFeReNTe-: :D
-DiFeReNTe-: I want to be the person who gets to know u the most
-DiFeReNTe-: and once I know what can I save u from I will
-DiFeReNTe-: cause.... i like ur brains
-LittleCreepyGirl-: oh yes
-LittleCreepyGirl-: silence of the lamb ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: let me show u something
-DiFeReNTe-: could u please tell me ur real name?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: So, Lector, what else you like beside my brain? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: mmm... is the only thing I can perceibe, CLarise
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I need to go now
-LittleCreepyGirl-: To be come closer to you
-LittleCreepyGirl-: trough the sweet pain of unknowing :)
-DiFeReNTe-: Hey
-DiFeReNTe-: that person that appears in ur blockspot with the teddy bear
-DiFeReNTe-: is...
-LittleCreepyGirl-: that's a dog
-LittleCreepyGirl-: :)
-DiFeReNTe-: what about the blonde woman?
-DiFeReNTe-: is...
-DiFeReNTe-: you?
-DiFeReNTe-: :)
-DiFeReNTe-: :D
-LittleCreepyGirl-: let it be one of the thing what keeps your heart bumping red warm and sticky juice of life trough your brains ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I'd like to think that woman is you
-DiFeReNTe-: cause i could tell you what i think about ur looks
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you have your freedom ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: is that you?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: :)
-DiFeReNTe-: is it ur pic?
-DiFeReNTe-: I need to tell you my opinion
-DiFeReNTe-: I could explode
-DiFeReNTe-: telll me it is you
[22:01:29] * DiFeReNTe is excited for the first time in the year
-LittleCreepyGirl-: what would you tell me? :)
-DiFeReNTe-: cause I can't keep it
-DiFeReNTe-: cause u r
-DiFeReNTe-: engel
-LittleCreepyGirl-: princess :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: of frogs
-DiFeReNTe-: whatever u say... now I can go REALLY happy
-DiFeReNTe-: i chatted with the girl of that photo
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so I made you smile ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: U r a true german
-DiFeReNTe-: How good u look
-DiFeReNTe-: golden hair
-DiFeReNTe-: perfect...
-DiFeReNTe-: now we can go in peace
-LittleCreepyGirl-: will see you in paradise? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: When I get behind you... I now we'll be in paradise
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I am already ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: angel as I am
-DiFeReNTe-: I still have to work a little to go up
-DiFeReNTe-: willl u help me?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: will wait for you ;) To continue our convo what will be splitted in any minute ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: Buy a Bible ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: :o
-DiFeReNTe-: I read the bible
-DiFeReNTe-: a LOT
-DiFeReNTe-: my favorite one
-LittleCreepyGirl-: good ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: is the JOB's book
-LittleCreepyGirl-: live by Bible ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I do
-DiFeReNTe-: I love my enemies
-LittleCreepyGirl-: then I will see you there ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: couldn't keep my mind straioght without that book
-DiFeReNTe-: but
-DiFeReNTe-: will u marry me then?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: there will be no marriages in heaven ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: but I will be your best friend after Jesus there ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: would u marry me here?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: You missed the "I love you" part before proposingg ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: show me your picture ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: Sorry... always have oproblems with the protocols
-DiFeReNTe-: Ehmmmmmmm
-DiFeReNTe-: LEt me think
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I need to add it on the blog ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I got some pics on my dad's pc
-DiFeReNTe-: well... he does
-LittleCreepyGirl-: so? :=
-DiFeReNTe-: so... i can get them and send them to u... tomorrow when u get here
-LittleCreepyGirl-: none uploaded in internet somewhere?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: facebook?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: myspace?
-DiFeReNTe-: as hitler sould say: NEIN
-LittleCreepyGirl-: hail Hitler ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: but my sister has a lot of hers and she looks like me
-LittleCreepyGirl-: how can she look like you? ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: but tomorrow we could me the same hour as today I prepare a whole selection
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I am sure she is more cuter ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: set it up in internet ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: only cause the makeup
-DiFeReNTe-: yeah... u know.. progress...
-LittleCreepyGirl-: have you told that to her? ;)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you are smart guy
-DiFeReNTe-: that she's got my eyes?
-LittleCreepyGirl-: still a doctor ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: :D
-LittleCreepyGirl-: that she is curter than you becasue of make up ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: he he
-DiFeReNTe-: ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: I'll wait u tomorrow about the same hour we met today hours ago
-DiFeReNTe-: gonna be thinking on u
-LittleCreepyGirl-: I will be here if I do remember to be ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: blue eyesē
-DiFeReNTe-: :o u r a godess
-LittleCreepyGirl-: that's blasphemy!
-DiFeReNTe-: not in the context i meant
-DiFeReNTe-: but u r right
-DiFeReNTe-: luckylly inquisition is gone
-LittleCreepyGirl-: go and regret your being thoughtless in front of God :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: ta taa :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: i need to add the end of the conovo on the blog ;)
-DiFeReNTe-: yeah.... but no wiping today
-LittleCreepyGirl-: good :)
-DiFeReNTe-: I need to see ur photo again
-LittleCreepyGirl-: you should never wipe yourself :)
-LittleCreepyGirl-: leffa leffa