Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Only working organ in men is their stomach!

It got confirmed again that men have only working function and it is digestion. Sometimes it just can drive you nuts! Example today. We had youth evening and we had to read a chapter from a new book we handle there. But since there was nice sunny day then the guys came on great idea to have barbeque so they were making the fire and went to shops for chicken and sousages... pft! We just couldn't start with official part. Once even seemed they settle down and but then the fire was ready for cooking so they were walking around again. But that could be fine if they would be able to listen as well during that! Phh!

Markus told that it is not possible have empty tummy. If the stomach will be too long without food it stops working. Bleh!!! It just tells one thing! The men are able to do just one thing at the time and it is DIGESTION! When they starve their stomach will stop working and all blood will rise in their head. And THAT's not good!! Because then they don't know just what to do. Suddenly they have their mind full of thoughts AND THAT IS PAINFUL!!

And then they go at shop of course!

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