Monday, May 5, 2008

About dreams

I had conversation with a friend of mine today and I showed to her my dream garden. She told me that she likes persons who don't afraid to dream. My first reaction was that dreams are power of life...

Well, for a moment I thought that actually they are not but they still are. There can be some type of persons who dream but afraid to live. Those quiet grey little mouses. They do dream but they don't believe in dreams. They don't believe they ever come true but I know they will.

Noone has told that you can't changes your dreams. The dreams are like childrend they grow. And sometimes you can grow quicker so you don't need your old dreams and you will change them out again. Once I did dream about home on a white beach with children and palmtrees. It was nice dream but was not only mine. Since my life has changed, my dreams had to changes as well. Now I do dream about house between green hills with big garden where the fence is steened from stones and there are hundred and one plants, trees and pushs. Once I was dreaming myself into Africa, working and living with blacks in some small town or city. Now I dream about living in England maybe with some black :) Dreams may changes and they will come true. You may even dream that you are a princess! I was some years one of them! And I am sure one day I will be one again! :D

I know also my dream about England will come true. I make plans for that as well. I will finsh my studies and will move to England. I have heard already that the midwives from our school have had really positive feedback from London's hospitals. So I am sure I will find a job there and a new life as well. Actually I am sure I could find a job over world after my school because I love the job and I am and will be good in it. If you dare to dream then dare to hope it will come true and MOVE forward it. You are the one who brings your dreams true. You are the one who has the key of dream machine what makse them come true. You should not afraid to use it.

There may be dreams for what my life is not long enough but I am happy if I will get my dream garden in Heaven as well. And hopefully I may to build up it myself because only so I may enjoy it. I find that dreams are amazing. They will give you wish to live on. It is really hard when your dreams have collapsed on some reason. I know it even too well. But you may always build up new dreams without being bitter and thinking that they will collaps anyway. No, they won't. You don't have to build up same dreams you had. You may changes them that they could be suitable for your new life and voila! Life goes on!

Well, life goes on anyway. You have just changes to go with it in good or bad way. Being bitter or waiting for new challanges what you may overwhelm. The dreams are motivation for living.

Everybody dreams. Some dreams are just... different dreams. You may dream about new car. You may live for new car! But by my mind it is not right dream. Oh, I do like a new car! If I will have it I will drive with it gladly! But I don't definatelly dream about getting one. I am happy with my old Mazda what will die soon but it has served me well till then. I like my new bicycle. I am abel to do all my trips in city and even more. So I don't need a new fancy car. And money... hmm, someone just told me that money - it is happiness! I don't believe in it. Of course you need it but only reasonable amount. Just for living. You don't have to buy castles and car caravans. It is happiness you are able to build up everything you need yourself. With your hands! I thank God I have all limbs working and ask forgivens for my complains over life. I have my whole working body and noone has to watch after me, whipe my butt or feed me. Thanks for all of that.

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