Planning is half of win
I am working. On Lina street. 24 hours. It means I will finish tomorrow and then I AM IN HURRY! P A N I C ! I just need to sit behind a table and write down everything I need to take with. Good that I am working in house of Lina street today. I have possibility to go home to pack my stuff meantime and hopefully I can leave ealier tomorrow!
Me: Annely! Shame! You are smoking!!
Nurse: Yeah, not usually but my husband got me angry today so I decided to finish those cigaretts today! Do you want also?
Me: Nope. I don't smoke... Well, alright. I will try one...
For this time I had finished all my duties at work and I had plenty of time for nothing. So I just took my bicycle and rode home to pack for weekend. Since I didn't know weather what was coming then I just pack all trousers I found and lots of T-shirts in case I need to changes them lot and couple sweaters, lots of socks plus 2 pairs of woolen socks and of course underwears. Then I took a pair of other shoes with and my bag was full. Just 2 sockels on the sides. I sticked a bible into one and into other I sticked my toothbrush and pasta, deodorant and perfume and toilet paper of course.
Me: Sure. But if I will start smoking again because you I will kill you!
Ring! Ring!
- Hallo, Kadri! Why do you call me?
- Hei, Heleri. How are you?
- I am really excited!! Waiting the next morning already! Let's hope it won't rain tomorrow!
- Yeah. You know, we should meet to talk about how we get our stuff on the lorry tomorrow.
- I am working but you can ride here and we can make a circle in Ihaste with bicycles.
- Oh, no. You know my sister is singing today in university's cofé and I would like to go to listen her...
- Alright, call me when you are ready to go and we will meet there.
- Ok. See you later.
- Yeah. Cya.
Nurse: Take from my bag.
My phone needed to charge and I did out it to charge in other room. So I never heard she called me. She didn't answer when I did call her back later so we never meet on the evening. I got bed at 10 PM about and I was reading material of sexual edication. I had to make a test in it tomorrow. Actually I did fall into sleep with it...
First day: Friday, 9th May 2008
Willingly free or freely willing
Ring! Ring!
It's 5 AM. I need to get up. Oh dear, how much I don't want to... Pft! i have to hurry. I have to gather together all trash and then I can run home. I am not going to wait for new shift. She have her freedom to complain later on me but I am in hurry. Oh and I am in really big hurry!
I did run at home. It was about at 6 AM. I needed to iron Jakob’s clothes for Sabbath. There had to be Mother’s Day ceremony but sadly without his mother. Ja, I did feel guilty because he was playing piano and sang 2 solo songs. But... It was good possibility to get granny in church because someone HAD to listen my son. Ha-haa!
Anyway, I did iron some clothes, packed last things into my bag, tied it up with sleeping bag and tent and were really excited. I couldn’t eat, drink or sit down. Then called Kadri and told she is almost there and I should come out to court house with my stuff as well. So I took my bags and bicycle and tried to transport all of them down on the street. Bah, I really hope I don’t have to carry any of my baggage with me during the weekend. Just bicycle is enough!
Well, no choice. Hmm… no acceptable choice I mean. We sat into the car and dove at college. Got there early enough to watch around without gasping where is the room we had to get together. Came out the room was in other house. We drove there and voila – the lecturer late! 30 minutes! And we were in hurry! The meeting here had to start at 8. We had to be in Räpina at 11. And we needed for driving about an hour. Brrrr!!! Finally she still came and told what she thought is important. Then we stayed wait for other lecturer who had to talk about practice in a kindergarten. But she was late as well. So the first lecturer gave me the paper with test question and I started to write. It was too noisy so we went into the coffee room. Mean time came other lecturer and the first one told me to come to finish the test later. I told it’s fine and went to listen the other lecturer. I took my sexual education map and tried to find out 3 reasons why people should NOT USE CONDOMS? Only contraindication was the allergy of latex but that was what I already knew!! I checked some other answers as well in what I was not so sure, told to Kadri to take my bag later and went to continue my test again. People should not use condoms when they have allergy of latex, they don’t want to use them or they don’t know how to use them. She has to accept my answer because you can’t use condoms when you don’t know how to do that… ;o)
At 10:20 we were into the car and on the street to Räpina. Just first we needed to drive trough the city… It took time but finally on the road we hooked us behind a car who seemed to hurry to Räpina as well and … about 20 km before Räpina blinked a car who passed from us to opposite direction. I took the speed down and there it was – police. But he was busy with the car who did drive before me so I passed from them with 65 km/h. He could stop me to ask why am I so slow but as I told he was busy. So, here I come, Räpina!
About 10 km before the town we saw a man on a bicycle and he rode to the Räpina. He had on a suit of bicyclist and bags on the luggage carrier.
Me: He is going to the expedition!
K: No! I don’t believe that!
Me: I am sure he is. And he is late as well!
K: Can’t be true. We are too far from the start.
Wow! Hundreds and hundreds persons with bicycles! It is really impressing! And the nature was wonderful. The birches had full grow leaves on but they were all new and still light green. It is late spring. I do enjoy every gasp of fresh air here. The fields and meadows around me gave really warmth feeling inside. The countryside! I have missed it all.
But anyway. We standed there when almost all riders were back on the roud and just arranger team was there till our boss came to tell to us that others will finish there and we should take the trip to the next camping place. Juhhuuu! We jumped on the bicycles and left. It was about 3 PM and I was thinking that on the evening is Dagö's concert and they do really great music. The concert was one reason from others why I actually was thinking to take part from the expedition. Yeah, next day had to be also a concert but from some unknown band what couldn't be very good anyway.
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