Sunday, May 18, 2008

To the picnic

- Do not turn the map over! I need to see it!
- Aaaaa! Mom! Watch where are you driving!

Creeeeeeght! Pufff!

- Mom! It smokes! Out! Let's get out quickly!
- Out then. What are you watching still?

I got out from the car to see the situtation. The car seemed ok. There rised some smoke from under the engine bonnet, the tyres and bottom was in mud, some bush brances were between number plate and the car was just a bit more dirty...

- When I will grow up I never will drive like that, mom...
- That's a good idea. I will remaind it to you...

I sat into the car and turned the key. The engine started. Seems alright. I set the reversing gear in and tried to get out from the bushes. The wheels turned around but the car didn't work. I came out and we tried to push it out. Nope. It didn't move. I watched a clock on my mobile phone. I have 44 minutes still. I am in middle of the forest... Near at a house I saw a car driving out from the yard and moving to us. They stopped and I saw a young man with a girl sitting there. I smiled and asked can they help me and he told he needs to bring rope from home. Since they turned the car around I fond a rope so he didn't need to go home. I attached the rope on my car and he on his. And then he tried to pull my car out. It didn't move well so we pushed with Jakob it as well. We got it out. After removing the rope I sat into the car and started it. It worked. Till I turned it around back into the right direction the helpere of mine left. I stopped at their house and went out to say how thankful I am.

I sat back into my car and left. Jakob next to me said I should not speed anymore...

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